Khristyne Hassan

Towards the end of August I shot the beautiful Khristyne Hassan. We spent 3 hours on location in Cerritos with her hairstylist Gladys Torres. Both women were incredibly fun to shoot. I love working with people who are so easy going and really give me the freedom of creativity. Its so much easier when the person your shooting trusts you. Thanks so much Khristyne, I wish we had more time to shoot :)


The Set UP for Scene 1 :)


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Halloween as LIFE Lazaros

This Halloween i spent most of it with the family. Jonah and Jason are growing up so fast, they’re able to run up to the doors and open their bags for candy. Unfortunately they really can’t so much when they get there, but opening their bags for an overwhelmingly long amount of time (even when they already got candy, leading to getting even more candy in the awkward silence) is already enough to see how cute and precious they are. I was suprised that even in the nicer neighborhoods of corona, people still only gave away one piece of miniture candies (like really?? common). LOL – my sister was giving out huge bars which was crazy. Jonah was Donald Duck and Jason during the day was a giant pumpkin, and then changed into a pirate later on for trick or treat. My entire family continued to wear the souvenirs my parents brought home from their Meditteranean trip and celebrated the various cultures this way. Hayden was Winnie the Pooh, and new baby boy “mathu” Ly stayed home with her parents. I was able to run around the blocks with the kids and got some of their free candy :)

Afterwards i visited Lawrences Halloween Party for a bit and then headed over to the UC Riverside Zeta party to finish off the night. Rob Aquino dressed as the “prytanis” by wearing my well known scarf/fedora ensemble. I myself did my own version of one of my inspirational idols: Chaim Life Lazaros. Life is the co founder of super heroes anonymous and is a real life super hero who helps the community around him. His feats are amazing and inspirational, so it was a pleasure and a tribute to be “LIFE” for Halloween. Life Lazaros’ myspace is here where you can see his info and pictures:

GREAT Halloween.


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