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Roxy + Aaron || Wedding Photos || Newhall Mansion, Piru

Day 18 – Not gonna lie, I skipped about 20 days there as I dipped on social media a bit. It’s been a good 3 weeks since I posted really, the time away has helped me figure out things and really get my head straight from all that has passed these last couple months. I’m ready to go into a very busy fall and winter coming up and also ready for the new endeavors coming my way. We also introduced a new puppers to our family, Tohru, a black and brown yorkie terrier mix who is extremely loving and sweet to us. Our wedding in June is also officially postponed to an indefinite date and we are starting to receive refunds from alot of our vendors, (flights proving to still be a problem) but things will work out. Im sure by the time I’m fully caught up with these blog posts we’ll be back on track.

Here is a wedding I did last summer in Piru, CA – Roxy and Aaron were great and we partied hard with them afterwards. I think I even lost my jacket that night haha

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