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Ting + Ming || Engaged || New York, New York

New York! Its hard to explain how great this trip was and how much has happened, but going through these photos again really brought back some good memories from last months trip. Ting and Ming came into the city for the weekend to join me at Central Park, they took trains in from Philadelphia and Connecticut to do their session. Ming lived in NYC a few years back and knew exactly where we’d go to shoot, I kind of feel bad for constantly stopping him because I would keep finding spots of good light and nice backdrops to keep shooting at. I’m really excited to see them again after such a great session, their wedding is at the end of this month and I really wanted to expedite these photos so they can have them in time. This was my third shoot in New York, and I hope its not my last! Thanks for the opportunity guys! Please enjoy.


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Xiaoming Fang - 05/13/2014 - 2:32 am

Thank you so much Justin! We had an absolutely fantastic experience with you in NYC, and we are just grateful to have you as a part of our wedding. Look forward to next weekend in Temecula!

Arjun Madan - 05/14/2014 - 1:14 am

Congrats Ming – great news!!!