Lucy + Wilson || Wedding Photos || Cancun, Mexico

We headed over to Cancun for Lucy and Wilson’s wedding. The best part of traveling with our couple is that we got to know everyone pretty immediately in the bus to the resort and right away at dinner. Being that close to everyone really brought out everyone out of their normal comfort zones and opened up to us. I think the photos reflect that and give a scroll down to see. Thanks for taking care of us Lucy and Wilson!

Please enjoy!


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Andre + Geri || Wedding Photos || Oahu, Hawaii

Soo overdue! Our second trip to Hawaii last year was for Andre and Geri’s wedding day. Andre and I go way back to our college days, we went out to Catalina for their engagement shoot and it was one of my favorite shoots. Hawaii though was so much fun and topped it. Now they are both in Japan and we’ll be visiting them next year. Can’t wait to see them again on that side of the Earth. For now please enjoy these photos from Hawaii!

Please enjoy!


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