Alex + Daniel || New York Botanical Garden Wedding Photography || Stone Mill

My team flew to New York for the week to capture Alex and Daniel tie the knot. They wed under a Huppah as the sun dipped and celebrated in the Stone Mill at New York’s Botanical Garden. The stone mill is an incredibly unique venue with brick work laid throughout the mill. Therefore it has a very farm-chic and historic charm associated with it. Because of a forresty green, in the mid-city feel, couples come from all over the world to capture their wedding. Alex and Daniel got ready together in their flat in the Upper Westside and shared a love for Bill Waterson’s Calvin and Hobbes with me. So I decided to create a layflat mock up of their rings and their favorite Calvin and Hobbes comics. Ultimately I captured all of the emotion I aimed to witness and as a result, I love the images we have below.

I had a wonderful time capturing their day and being reunited with an old mentor of mine Pete Tangen who is an amazing photographer and showed me the ropes during my time assisting in big Hollywood. I can’t express how grateful I am for these opportunities. Alex and Daniel ran around the city the next day for their after session as well. Those I’ll share on Monday. For now please enjoy!

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Erica + Brian || Married || Palo Alto

Erica and Brian tied the knot at the Lucie Stern Center in Palo Alto. Our team flew up for the weekend to hang with some old friends. It was alot of fun partying with them afterwards and running into Tim Cook on the streets of Palo Alto. As i’ve always said destination weddings like these really give us the opportunity to really get to know everyone and create unique images with a different point of view in those cities. Consider a destination wedding and reaching out to me about destination discounts :) Please enjoy these photos!


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