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Sleepless Nights

Most photographers spend entire nights working on edits and getting things uploaded to their sites and what not. That isn’t the case for me tonight. I’m in no rush to finish any edits, just a few smaller things and a personal project that I can put on the backburner for a bit more, its nice to have a little time off (project paradise and the KYR softball shoot has fallen victim to that). But the real reason i’m still up is probably because i ate something bad and i can’t get my stomach to settle. Kind of worrying me because Gaby ate the same things tonight and she’s sound asleep at home. Hmmmmm, unless she wakes up tomorrow morning throwing up* yikes. But the reason thats aiding to the cause of my insomnia is the overlooming thought of photography. Ok i know, i’m crazy, but i wonder how many photographers out there stay up sometimes at night thinking about their next shoot, or their dream gear, or what they’ll do next. To tell you the truth, i’m starting to think there are very few of us, because when “fell” into photography, I hit the ground running, i didnt crawl and get up slowly, i was off doing the next craziest thing. And i think whats haunting me tonight is the fact that I’ve been focusing so much on my business, making some sort of money to pay debts, and my website, that i’ve really forgotten to just SHOOT. and because of that i haven’t found my niche. and I constantly keep looking trying to find myself, something that i’ve explained in my last post, but i know i’m still working on it. Then it came to me.

Each photographer i’ve met in my life, has looked at photography differently. Sometimes i never understood what they meant, certain photographers have an understanding of photo entirely different then me and you, things that are so difficult to comprehend from my point of view, but so simple in theres. Rather it be the way they were educated or raised, it didnt matter. But they would understand and grasp the idea behind certain things, moreso then others. I’m not saying thats all they did, most photographers try to see a little of all things, but you can tell that many photographers give advice and tips and create photos around certain guidelines following their strengths. Lolo Tolentino always talks about photography’s composition and finding the angle of light. Bullet Salvador would talk about trying new angles. Tony Tran is a master of photoshop and explores everyday photography. Kevin Mccarty questions the purpose and process of photography. KrisD Mauga strives to make art out someones life. Ken Hansen stresses the importance of depth of field and focal length. Ed Pingol creates portability and versatile lighting. Todd Laffler finds the joy and laughter in people. Each one of these phtotographer’s intelect and drive goes much beyond only these topics, but these photographers have created a style they can vaguely call their own because of their strengths and desires. The way someone sees photography in their eyes is directly related to their style of shooting.

The question is: what are your strengths and desires and how has that been reflected in your style. For me, i’m still working on that. Style is not a static thing, it is very much dynamic, things change constantly and as I explore more my ideas will change. But i do know what I like in photography. I like the strobist photographer, it took me a while to realize this but i enjoy seeing the artificial light create a new artistic image. I hate the non portability of large strobes. and I love creating large compositions with immense emotion. Tonight instead of sleeping I watched videos, read blogs, and did research on the techniques and styles of both Todd Laffler and Ed Pingol. These two photographers have become inspirations to me and are currently pushing me to see photography in a new light, (yea i did). Its time to take the next step and step up my game.

Metrophoto by Jason Magbanua from Oly Ruiz on Vimeo.

ed pingol

p.s i dont think i have all the answers. its just another late night and i’m wandering the streets of the internet. here’s one of my first pictures i’ve ever took btw. style is a dynamic thing. “for without struggle there is no progress”

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