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Following Your Favorite Blogs

My flock web browser can constantly get updated whenever some of my favorite photographers update their blogs. There’s a little built in RSS feed on the left that tells me whenever someone created a new post. I came across this little doodad one day while browsing through my favorite photographers and some of them posts awesome advice, tips, and hints on how to be a more efficient photographer. Hopefully this post can do just that for you in some way.

Every couple days i catch up on the 20 or so blogs that i’ve followed and i add new ones once in a while and more often then not i look at these great photographers and think to myself “man, this guy, or this girl has got it, how come i cant do that, or man why didnt i think about that”. Sometimes i look at individual photos for minutes (yea im a complete photo nerd) immersify myself in the photo and just think about how they took it, why it looks so good, maybe composition, maybe depth of field, but in the end, “why can’t i do this!?” I think about this stuff alot and have found out over my tenure as a photographer, that most photographers ALWAYS DO THIS. Now seriously, why do we constantly subject ourselves to the belittlement of our own work after looking at others work, who for the most part cannot be compared in the first place, not because of merit, but because of their style, genre, and originality. I use to beat myself up over looking at photos and feeling that my stuff is inadequate, (something i can still say i’m a victim of once in a while). But the honest truth is that i’ve come to thinking, something i hope that all the photographers reading this can grasp is, that someone else out there, is thinking the same thing about your work. And this viscous cycle repeats itself. Understanding that means that i was finally able to understand that i’m not looking at these photos in order to compare myself with them, no, i’m looking at these photos to appreciate their art and keep the blood of true photographers flowing through your veins.

The lesson learned here that i REALLY want every photographer out there to realize is that, yes their may be a couple solid ways to do business, market, advertise, or express yourself, but there are MILLIONS of ways to shoot and edit. and instead of following others, trying to find a good style to believe in, or to mimic, or even to create a foundation around, REALIZE – you already have your own style, and its how YOU compose the world in that view finder YOURSELF. I am totally a victim of this too, I have had post it notes with notes like “think depth of field” think out of focus, think perspective. While all that is great, finding it naturally and depending on your GUT feeling is finding your own originallity, your own style, and its probably the best thing you can do for yourself. I’ve been a victim of mimicking my favorite photographers, but in the end i just beat myself up because the best you can be is not the best of someone elses style, its the best of your own style.

I know this sounds like a fortune cookie but i really wanted to say it since so many photographers are starting to pop up everywhere. Don’t let other work bring you down, let it inspire you. Keep learning, keep exposing yourself (yea i did), and get out there. Photography is starting to become more of a fad, i would be hyprocritical if i did not say i jumped on that bandwagon also. So seperate yourself from the rest of the world! ALSO If you just picked up a camera, learn how to use it! ASK QUESTIONS. read blogs, etc etc i’d love to show you some stuff and appreciate the art of image making. so just hit me up!

Anyway here is my picture for the day, whenever my nephews come over they obliterate my calendar dry erase board. I end up having to go back and refill in the dates and the events i have each month after they come over! Not a problem because their cuteness is worth it, and besides while they’re preoccupied drawing all over my wall, i can get some editting done :)


Here is my entire blogroll on my flock browser which are RSS feeds. Some of these blogs are my close friends, classmates, studios, or tips and advice columns for photographers, or even photographers I most admire. Leave a comment with your favorite blogs or photographers so i can add it to my list and you can share it with everyone, I love taking editting breaks to see what people are doing around the world today.
Laffler Photography Blog –
Lawrence Tolentino – Your Favorite Southern California Photographer –
Melly Lee Productions –
Fuller Edge Photography Blog –
KrashingMotions –
Because A Few Burned Fingers Are Worth It –
CoffeeShop Free PS/PSE Actions! –
Mark Kuroda Photography –
Kara Layne Photography Blog –
Photos Taken In Stilettos –
Identity Kitchen –
Ja Tecson Photo Blog! –
Lets Live Life –
Jules Bianchi Photography Blog –
Jessica Claire – Photographer –
Sarah Rhoads Photographers –
Boutwell Studio –
Sarah K Chen Photography Blog –
brandonwong’s blog–
Scott Roeder PhotoBlog –

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Lawrence Tolentino - 04/08/2010 - 7:47 pm

Well said, my friend! I agree that these are all “phases” that us photographers go through. At first, I started out just clueless and shooting for kicks. Then I started analyzing other photographers work and thinking “wow, how do I do this?” and then I reached a point where I looked at photographs and always wanted to compare it to my own photos. I didn't want photography to become a competition. I look around and see how so many photographers are great friends with other photographers. It's not about who does better work or who is more popular. It's about having that special connection and ability to share your passion with other amazing people. We must learn not to drive photography so hard that it drives us to the ground, but instead, we must learn to let photography drive us–to push our own barriers and explore the endless horizon that photography has to offer us. It's a passion, a love, and a lifestyle! I'm thankful to have fellow photographers as friends and not competitive enemies. Great post, Justin! Your work is amazing and I enjoy watching your talent progress and your passion strengthen! Please continue sharing your photos and your thoughts because we can all learn from each other as well as ourselves. (Which reminds me, I need to start updating my blog again! :)

Lawrence Tolentino - 04/08/2010 - 7:48 pm

Well said, my friend! I agree that these are all “phases” that us photographers go through. At first, I started out just clueless and shooting for kicks. Then I started analyzing other photographers work and thinking “wow, how do I do this?” and then I reached a point where I looked at photographs and always wanted to compare it to my own photos. I didn't want photography to become a competition. I look around and see how so many photographers are great friends with other photographers. It's not about who does better work or who is more popular. It's about having that special connection and ability to share your passion with other amazing people. We must learn not to drive photography so hard that it drives us to the ground, but instead, we must learn to let photography drive us–to push our own barriers and explore the endless horizon that photography has to offer us. It's a passion, a love, and a lifestyle! I'm thankful to have fellow photographers as friends and not competitive enemies. Great post, Justin! Your work is amazing and I enjoy watching your talent progress and your passion strengthen! Please continue sharing your photos and your thoughts because we can all learn from each other as well as ourselves. (Which reminds me, I need to start updating my blog again! :)

Lawrence Tolentino - 04/08/2010 - 7:49 pm

Ooh, oops. I have to have it approved. I didn't read that first message. I was wondering why it didn't appear. Ok, cancel the 2nd one and cancel this message. Hahha ;D

gabriellemanalo - 04/08/2010 - 8:35 pm

Haha, you know what's funny, my blog isn't even about photography and it's on there! And you know what makes it worse? I haven't updated in months. Since November, I think. :D

gabriellemanalo - 04/08/2010 - 8:39 pm

OH AND I DO THIS TOO BY THE WAY! Except replace photography with make up and cooking instead, and you've got all the blogs I have bookmarked, lol. However, your blog has made it into all my bookmarked pages, so feel special. >:]

Lawrence Tolentino - 04/08/2010 - 10:47 pm

Well said, my friend! I agree that these are all “phases” that us photographers go through. At first, I started out just clueless and shooting for kicks. Then I started analyzing other photographers work and thinking “wow, how do I do this?” and then I reached a point where I looked at photographs and always wanted to compare it to my own photos. I didn't want photography to become a competition. I look around and see how so many photographers are great friends with other photographers. It's not about who does better work or who is more popular. It's about having that special connection and ability to share your passion with other amazing people. We must learn not to drive photography so hard that it drives us to the ground, but instead, we must learn to let photography drive us–to push our own barriers and explore the endless horizon that photography has to offer us. It's a passion, a love, and a lifestyle! I'm thankful to have fellow photographers as friends and not competitive enemies. Great post, Justin! Your work is amazing and I enjoy watching your talent progress and your passion strengthen! Please continue sharing your photos and your thoughts because we can all learn from each other as well as ourselves. (Which reminds me, I need to start updating my blog again! :)

gabriellemanalo - 04/08/2010 - 11:35 pm

Haha, you know what's funny, my blog isn't even about photography and it's on there! And you know what makes it worse? I haven't updated in months. Since November, I think. :D

gabriellemanalo - 04/08/2010 - 11:39 pm

OH AND I DO THIS TOO BY THE WAY! Except replace photography with make up and cooking instead, and you've got all the blogs I have bookmarked, lol. However, your blog has made it into all my bookmarked pages, so feel special. >:]