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Yesenia + Carlo || Married || Teasers

I met Carlo and Yesenia back in the glory days of college where there were no worries and troubles. Actually it sort of picked up just like it left off from back then when I saw these two Sunday morning, I had an amazing time with my team and really felt like we were in the middle of the party. Thanks again for welcoming us in, hope you enjoy a few teasers!


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Monette De Las Alas-Maclang - 01/15/2015 - 5:41 am

Thank you Justin and to your team! Your enthusiasm was infectious and you were great to work with. You were literally part of the party and it was amazing to watch you enjoy your work, maneuver your shots, mingle with the guests and enjoy the party all at the same time :-) ! I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures for I know they will be wonderful.

Mimi Lopez - 01/16/2015 - 1:55 am

Beautiful wedding!