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Keena + Allen | Maternity Session | Santa Ana Zoo

Went with Keena and Allen to the Santa Ana Zoo which was really fun. I never knew there was a zoo so close to my house in the middle of all this concrete. It was definitely fun running around the zoo and just being crazy. It didn’t take long for Allen to really get the hang of things and loosen up. I don’t think most of my couples ever expect to get as crazy as we do… but we do! and it was so easy with Keena and Allen since almost from the getgo I had Allen acting like the zoo animals. Theres a great shot of Allen crawling out of his bird egg and trying to fly away that I love. Key to a great session is lots of fun positive energy, and we had tons of it. Can’t wait to see Keena’s little boy in a few weeks! Till then, enjoy prego-hood :) Please enjoy.

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