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The world doesn’t slow down

I’ve been MIA from blogging for a bit which I promised myself would be my #1 rule! I need to blog every other day, AT THE LEAST! For all you photographers and bloggers alike, blogging consistently not only keeps your followers in the know, but it also keeps you active and never gets you behind. Because I hadn’t blogged in a week or so, I have been getting a little behind in my work, but the worst part is, I havent been shooting as much!

Now its not like I’ve been sitting here twiddling my thumbs, I’ve been meeting with clients, helping Gaby start her new blog which will debut soon, and mainly organizing the business side of things. I wish photography could just be all shooting and running around and creating the most creative and unique photographs, but there has to be an organizational side if i’m able to survive right?! Hopefully in the end of all this I can become an expert in all areas.

I also went on a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico with the family and Gaby this last weekend. We had an amazing time on the ship and got to spend some quality time with the nephews and the family. Even ran into a couple friends which made the cruise an all around complete success – especially at the craps tables! Thanks guys! I posted a few photos from the trip below.

Also because of the horrible rain, i’ve had to postpone 2 of my engagement sessions, so this may give me some extra time to work on edits. I want to get as much done before Gaby and I head to New York for Val and Jarrod’s engagement session over there. So between now and next Thursday, i’ll be finishing up 2 engagement sessions, and shooting at the shootout tomorrow, and Disneyland on two separate engagements. I hope the rain isn’t too horrible on us! So keep your eyes peeled for those coming soon – February to April sure are turning out to be Engagement Months, i’m shooting at least 1 each week!

And recently I just finished Christian Regan’s portraits from his Naval Academy. I’ve shot Christian and his family tons of times now and was glad to see him during his Christmas break back home. Here are some of the shots and the fun DVD cover I made for him. Check it out!

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