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Malia + David . Teaser

Well here’s my last post before I head out to New York for the week. Malia and David had set up our session for this morning at Disneyland but we changed due to the sheer volume of people going to Disneyland. Shooting at Disneyland Tuesday was extremely difficult because there were so many people there. Lines were so long, Tea Cups alone were 40 minutes at least. Nevertheless we soldiered thru and got some amazing work done. This time around though Malia and David agreed on going to their original plan, Heritage park, a small quaint park without too many distractions except your occasional duck. Lets just say we hit the spot. The place was amazing and the weather was beautiful, I had so many great shots, but I definitely had to show you how great the clouds were to us today. Hope you like these teasers.

All in all though we had a great day and i’m excited to get some rest on the flight tonight. Gaby and I are going to Newwww York for Val and Jarrod’s e-session and were shooting everywhere! I’ve always wanted to visit the big apple on my own and really experience the New York pizza, street dogs, and sites, first hand. Shoot me some places to eat and check out whenever you get a chance! Its going to be fun seeing New York from a native Los Angeles, Orange County native. Have a good week end!

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Charlene - 03/25/2011 - 1:45 am

zomg, you hafta hit up shake shack. SO RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. i swear on my momma's grave (if she were dead, but she's not, so i dunno how seriously you wanna take my statement. :P)