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Panlavee + Rose Custom Album Design – Thailand

Things have been moving a little faster here at the office now as I start to really get on top of everything. I’m starting to enjoy my 60-80 hour work weeks, but mostly because I’m really delving into my own work, rediscovering my styles and methods. Just this month i’ve decided to create my own album designs rather than outsource. I’ve been reading up and researching some of the best album designers and taking as much information I could from their tips, videos, and designs. The goal is to just create these amazing designs myself with whatever photoshop skills I have. In my attempts, I’ve created the Thailand Wedding sample album. I’m glad I can use Rose and PV’s photos to create something this exquisite. This is the last stop on my Thailand adventure, so hope you like whats come out of it! Here are a few spreads from their panoramic album – designed solely but Justin Element :D

Thanks! Hope you enjoy!

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