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Identity Kitchen Competition

So I’m going to write about something that I may not even win, I actually may be jinxing myself with this blog, but I really have to write about it and get it off my chest.

You see last week my internship boss KrisD Mauga submitted nomination for me for this huge competition on something that I blogged about a couple weeks back if any of your remember, it’s called Identity Kitchen. I’ve thoroughly stalked the site and have fell in love with their work, amazingly the latest competition they’re holding is for budding 1st year photographers. WELL! isn’t that just perfect? the guy who finally decided to change careers and move into photography, who just gave birth to my company Justinelement Photography this last December, would be the perfect candidate?! right?

OK well I dont know how good or bad my chances are, and i probably shouldnt get my hopes up, but it’d be amazing to actually win something like this after my first couple months in business. I’ve worked so hard tirelessly day and night for the past couple months to actually do something in my life with photography, (because as you know theres no turning back), that it would be such a blessing to win a competition, especially for identity kitchen. So here’s the reason why i’m so excited about it: Identity Kitchen gets to rebrand the winner! That means all new brand recognition, new style, new gear, new designs! The catch is, between the hundreds and hundreds of applicants, if i get chosen of the top 3-5 photographers, i have to get the most votes to win. Soooo cross your fingers, pray, hope, and have faith :) Hopefully my next post about this will be one of euphoria, if not, the world won’t end and i’ll still keep pumping out the stuff I love doing. but lets hope still for the former.


krisds photo of me at the metro

krisd's photo of me at the metro

wish me luck friends!

p.s i found a new way to post my images with captions on this blog! cheers to ALWAYS learning new things!

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gabriellemanalo - 03/07/2010 - 5:37 am

Good luck! You know I've got my fingers crossed for you. :]

JUSTINELEMENT - 03/07/2010 - 5:38 am

thanks gaby!

gabriellemanalo - 03/07/2010 - 8:37 am

Good luck! You know I've got my fingers crossed for you. :]

JUSTINELEMENT - 03/07/2010 - 8:38 am

thanks gaby!