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Thank You 4

If I had events to post, I would post everyday. If I had a cutting edge, run and gun life, I’d have even more interesting things to blog about. If I had more time, I’d have more time to shoot… So instead of trying to live into things that I feel are unreal and maybe even out of reach, I’m beginning to look at the things that are already in my reach. I’ve never been one to take what I have for granted, but its the small things in life that I think many people overlook or just completely miss, but maybe this project will help everyone really see and appreciate, the small things in their lives.

Maybe people spend so much of their lives trying to catch up to someone else that they forget that they already have unparalleled happiness. That’s why I am thankful for so much, whether it be to God, my parents, my family, my clients, or people I dont even know that have so much power in the world to make things like Snuggies, Rice Krispies, or Target; I’m still thankful for having these moments, these things, these experiences in my life.

Thank You For…


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