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Mae + Christian | Love Story Film

It’s been almost 2 weeks since i’ve posted on my blog and now I have a series of post ready in line to get out there. Its going to be a busy week! But before all that I have the little surprise video for Mae and Christian’s wedding. Mae and Christian got married this last Friday and are the reason why Gaby and I flew out to Hawaii. I met Mae in middle school almost 15 years ago and I’m really glad we reconnected. Being a part of their wedding especially in Hawaii was one of the greatest experiences we’ve had. We even got to make them a love story video that to me, really hit the spot. I have so much to say about Hawaii, and just getting to know Mae and Christian on a much closer level. These guys are simply, amazing. Here is the video I put together for their big day. Cheers Mae and Christian, Please enjoy.

Try refreshing page if video doesn’t show up and click on video for HD version

Mae Christian from Justin Element on Vimeo.

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