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Caritina and Daniel Preview

Obviously you cant tell a woman you just met you love her
But, It sucks that you cant
I’ll tell you something though,
If a woman, not you, just some hypothetical woman
Were to bear with me through all this
I think I’d make a damn good husband
Because that’s the stuff I’d be good at
Stuff like making her laugh and being a good father
And walking her five hypothetical dogs
Being a good kisser

I’m a huge fan of a couple television series. The other day in preparation for my trip to Thailand and in withstanding a very lonely 18 hour flight, I went ahead and bought a couple more of my favorite seasons of my favorite shows. With my coolest new Sony DVP-FX950 Courtesy of Gaby, I’ll be all set to go. I’ve never been a DVD collector so this was a huge hit on my wallet but hey if you watched these shows you might know a little bit of what i’m talking about! Spartacus, The Office, Friends, Chuck, Outsourced, etc. This quote was from How I Met Your Mother and it really explains in hopeless romantic terms, the journey it takes for a guy to find that one girl who deserves his ring on her finger.

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Bereck Martinez - 07/17/2012 - 4:44 am

Hola saludos Daniel felicidades por tu boda te deseamos lo mejor.
Att: Tu familia de Zacatecs.Mexico ( Tio Pepe ) PD: Agregame en Facebook.